This four day course covers theory and practical solutions for the analysis and management of transformer insulating oils.
This four day course covers theory and practical solutions for the analysis and management of transformer insulating oils.
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Pragma is an Accredited Training Service Provider through the merSETA and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). It is also the first training organisation in South Africa to be accredited by the QCTO as a Skills Development Partner (SDP) for the Maintenance Planner Qualification. Our training materials are endorsed through SAAMA and learners can earn CPD points.
The National Qualifications Framework
National Qualifications Framework is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality assured national qualifications.
Sub-framework means one of three coordinated qualifications sub-frameworks which make up the NQF as a single integrated system:
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