Contact sessions with the facilitator, an experienced Pragma consultant, allowed teams to regroup, share experiences and further enhance learning and make it directly applicable to their work environment.”
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Quarries | Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Blended Training
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Client Reference | Engineering Services | Client Support Dashboard and Notification
Our client develops, maintains and monitors integrations between various source systems on behalf of their…
Reference story | Supermarket / Retail Sector Contractor Management
Our client is one of the largest supermarket retailers in Africa, operating from more than…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Supplier Savings
The renegotiation of prices is an important part of Pragma’s supply chain responsibilities on the…
Reference story | Packaging | Maintenance plans
The biggest benefit of this focused improvement project is the reduction in claims placed by…
Client Reference | Mining | Coal | Customisation of Asset Tactics
The outputs of the customisation process included a more accurate budget on renewals or the…
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The maintenance management of the Shell fuel retail network is managed via an end-to-end digitally…
Case Study | Local Government | Department of Health Western Cape | Asset Care Service
The Department of Health Western Cape had, as part of their Hospital Revitalisation Program, identified…
Reference story | Airports | Accurate asset register
Our client gained control of their assets and now know what assets they have, their…
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Smelter Plant Asset Reliability Optimisation
The thoroughness of the new maintenance plan eliminated all guessing. Downtime and production throughput were…
Reference story | Fast Foods | Increase in statutory SLA of tactical WO’s
Since the implementation of the initiative, the statutory SLA for work orders completed increased from…