This focused intervention will help me to have more control over my costs and to manage my costs within my annual budget. If I can manage my costs, I can do more effective maintenance with my available funds.
Client Reference | Mining Coal | FI on LDV Maintenance Costs
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Mining | Mobile work management
Since the roll-out of the application, it has made it much easier to measure work…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Real-time condition based monitoring using IIoT
The real-time condition monitoring project brought health measures of critical assets within the client’s plant…
Case Study | Mining and Minerals | Petra Diamonds | Centralising Asset Tree using a Placeholder Import in On Key
Petra Diamonds is a leading independent diamond producer with one of the worlds largest diamonds…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Implementing On Key to Improve Work Planning and Control
On Key is a cost saver because it allows us to become completely paperless and…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Mechanical Condition Assessment | High Volume Printing
A specialised printing entity providing services to government stakeholders realised the need for reliability improvement…
Case Study | Local Government | Metropolitan Municipality | Work Planning and Control on SAP Mobile App
Work Planning and Control managed by the Asset Care Centre (ACC) at a local municipality…
Case Study | Improving Proactive Maintenance in Local Government
The number of processed proactive work orders increased by 103% YTD benchmarked to the previous…
Reference story | Airports | Accurate asset register
Our client gained control of their assets and now know what assets they have, their…
Reference story | Retail | Costing Model
One costing model, applied across our 200+ contractors enables us to thoroughly manage/verify invoices.
Client Reference | Local Government | District Municipality | Water | AMIP
Our client is a typical district municipality (DM) in a rural area of South Africa.…