Our client now has the right type and amount of spare parts available in the engineering store to use when required.
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Spare Parts ABC Criticality Ranking
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Case Study | Improving Proactive Maintenance in Local Government
The number of processed proactive work orders increased by 103% YTD benchmarked to the previous…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Reducing High Failure Rate of CE Equipment
By doing proper analysis of all EC Tools per station it could be determined which…
Reference story | Municipal | AM Maturity Assessment
Shift towards optimal mix of reactive to proactive planned maintenance.
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Critical Inspection Animated Training
The CEI clarification animations have become a Practice Worth Replicating in other markets and were…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Real-time Condition Based Monitoring with IIoT
The real-time condition monitoring project brought health measures of critical assets within the client’s plant…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Supplier Savings
The renegotiation of prices is an important part of Pragma’s supply chain responsibilities on the…
Case Study | Oil and Gas | Retail | Sasol | Focused Improvement Dashboard
Pragma developed a dashboard to track improvement projects and highlight the combined costs of several…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Facilities Management Centre
Pragma and Shell’s longstanding asset management partnership has resulted in 80% downtime reduction on fuel…
Coal | TH 1 efficiency
The combined effort of our maintenance team, with the facilitation of problem solving led by…
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Quarries | Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Blended Training
Contact sessions with the facilitator, an experienced Pragma consultant, allowed teams to regroup, share experiences…