This is how we assisted one of our mining clients to develop their Asset Management Professional Development Programme.
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Asset Management Professional Development Programme
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Client Reference | Oil and Gas | Natural Gas Reticulation | Boiler Reliability Assessment and Maintenance Plans
Our client identified a problem with reduced operational availability of gas-fired boilers at several provincial…
Mining | Planning and Scheduling
Introducing the On Key planning and scheduling tool highlighted the amount of unnecessary Work Orders,…
Case Study | Manufacturing | Packaging | Work Planning and Control Implementation and Support
Pragma developed a detailed standards manual, including among others: standards for JDE Plant Maintenance configuration…
Diamonds | Cascade conveyors
Cost savings from elimination of root causes of incorrect cascade positioning failure are calculated to…
Case Study | Oil and Gas | Retail | Sasol | Focused Improvement Dashboard
Pragma developed a dashboard to track improvement projects and highlight the combined costs of several…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Reducing High Failure Rate of CE Equipment
By doing proper analysis of all EC Tools per station it could be determined which…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | HSSE Logger
We now remember to look out for potential incidents on site as we can log…
Case Study | OEM Packaging | Sidel | Asset Management Improvement Assessment
Pragma’s consultants assessed the maturity of our organisation in a structured manner. The output was…
Case Study | OEM-verpakkingen | Sidel | Volwassenheidsscan asset management met verbeteringen
De consultants van Pragma hebben de volwassenheid van onze organisatie op gestructureerde wijze beoordeeld. De…
Reference story | Fast foods | Increase statutory SLA’s
Since the implementation of the initiative, the statutory SLA for work orders completed increased from…