Case Study | Oil and Gas | Retail Sites | FI Generator | Life Cycle Management
November 22, 2017
Assets or components removed from revamped sites are often still fully
functional. We are pleased to have received rebates from the replacement of generators. We encourage Pragma to create rebate, reuse or recycle programmes for decommissioned assets on site.
Our client is a respected open cast coal mining and processing plant situated in the…
Case Study | Mining | Coal | LG Cyclone Feed Pipe
Coal mining operations mine and deliver coal from open cast pit to a crushing circuit.…
Case Study | Local Government | Municipality | Maintenance Capacity Planning
Our client fulfils a maintenance support function to all divisions within their organisation. The client…
Case Study | Local Government | City of Cape Town | Electrical Support Services | Substation Maintenance
The Electrical Support Services (ESS) department is responsible for transformer and switchgear installation and refurbishment,…
Client Reference | Local Government | Municipality | Water | Asset Care Plans at Pump Stations
Engineering is the maintenance division of The Water Department, tasked to ensure that the facilities…
Liquid packaging | AM maturity assessment
The Pragma consultants were able to assess the maturity of our organisation in a structured…
Reference story | Packaging | Maintenance plans
The biggest benefit of this focused improvement project is the reduction in claims placed by…
Case Study | On-line condition Assessment Findings of MV Power System (DRUPPS)
Replacement of the feeder cables and terminations under the Pragma quality assurance processes will ensure…
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Asset Management Maturity Assessment
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In-house or customised training
Pragma website enquiry | Generator Asset Health Management
On Key Training Registration
Pragma website enquiry
Accredited training is an outcomes-based learning programme aligned to the NQF registered unit standards and qualifications and approved by the relevant SETA or QCTO.
NQF registered unit standards are in place to ensure that learning and assessments result in nationally recognised credits, and ultimately can result in the achievement of a formal qualification.
Pragma is an Accredited Training Service Provider through the merSETA and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). It is also the first training organisation in South Africa to be accredited by the QCTO as a Skills Development Partner (SDP) for the Maintenance Planner Qualification. Our training materials are endorsed through SAAMA and learners can earn CPD points.
The National Qualifications Framework
National Qualifications Framework is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality assured national qualifications.
Sub-framework means one of three coordinated qualifications sub-frameworks which make up the NQF as a single integrated system:
The Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework: a qualification accredited by the Council of Higher education (CHE) and offered by a provider that is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)
The General and Further Education and Training Sub-Framework: a qualification accredited by Umalusi and offered by a provider that is registered with the DHET or by the Head of the Provincial Department of Education.
The Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework: a qualification accredited by the Quality Council on Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and offered by institutions that accredited by the appropriate authority and registered with DHET (as required).