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Good intentions won’t necessarily deliver effective or sustainable results.  Experience has taught us that when you follow a structured approach to the development of tactical asset care plans (ACPs), you achieve significant and sustainable results.

Our approach to asset care plan development

Projects and success stories

Client Reference | Local Government | Municipality | Water | Asset Care Plans at Pump Stations

Engineering is the maintenance division of the Water Department, tasked to ensure that the facilities and equipment used in water purification, distribution and treatment are in working condition.

Client Reference | Food and Beverage Packaging | Asset Care Plan Development

The client is an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) that offers maintenance contracts to their customers. Some of these contracts require the client to take responsibility for the maintenance of third party equipment (3PE) that forms part of the full line of equipment.

Reference story | Municipality | Asset Care Plans on SAP® PM

ACP’s are being identified and implemented in accordance to the asset management strategy.

Contact the specialists

André Jordaan

Partner Consultant

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Carina van der Merwe

Associate Consultant

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