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Pragma comment on 2012 budget

Infrastructure investment one of central policies in 2012 budget. Pragma offers a wealth of experience and know-how The expansion in infrastructure investment was one of the central and much-needed priorities of the 2012 budget. According to leading physical asset management company, Pragma, this was an extremely positive step in the right direction due to the […]

Alan Tait gives feedback on the June ISO 55000 workshop

The South African ISO delegation has just returned from the recent ISO55000 workshops in Prague, Czech Republic. The delegation consisted of 6 people, 3 of which are represented on the SAAMA Council. The workshops ran from 11 to 15 June, 70 people attended from 18 different countries and we managed to achieve some important milestones. […]

Pragmas On Key solves data problems

On Key 5 offers offline functionality Many companies have implemented an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) or Computerised Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) system, justifying the costs by promising substantial improvements in asset performance, reduced equipment downtime, lowered MRO inventory levels and decreased purchasing costs. However, many of these companies are still waiting to see the actual […]

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