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Pragma dedicated to continually improve service offering

October saw the second round of the very successful Customer Days hosted by Pragma Products and Pragma Africa. The one-day sessions were held in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban and were aimed at all our existing clients in each of these regions. The agenda for the day was quite simply to give feedback about the […]

Pragma Brazil and Unicastelo University sign partnership agreement

Pragma Brasil recently concluded a historic agreement with a local university, Unicastelo that will lead to the joint development and presentation of an MBA in Physical Asset Management. According to the partnership agreement, Unicastello (Universidade Castelo Branco) and the Pragma Academy in Brazil will jointly offer an MBA that particularly focuses on Maintenance Engineering, Lean […]

Pragma Brasil drive PAS 55 awareness within Brasil

Pragma Brasil is actively promoting the British Standards Institute Specification on Asset Management (PAS 55-2008) within South America and in particular Brasil. They are doing this through a number of ground breaking activities. One such activity was held on the 29th&30th June 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brasil. Asset Management within Brasil is facilitated through an […]

Pragma awarded top position at Deloitte best company to work for awards 2009

Pragma received the top award in the category Building, Construction and Engineering at the glitzy Deloitte Best Company to Work for Awards Function on 29 September 2009. This is the second year Pragma has participated in the survey. Pragma not only took a giant step forward in its industry category, but also moved up in […]

Pragma Acuity clarifies the basics of asset management at various clients

Pragma Acuity consultants have taken on the big task of helping mature the asset management fraternity in the market by assisting various clients with clarifying their daily asset management and maintenance challenges. Amongst most of these clients, the common thread has been the absence of the very basic fundamentals of asset management, resulting in assets […]

On Key is steadily growing through vars around the globe

Pragma’s home-grown EAM system, On Key, is steadily becoming a preferred software solution in the international arena. Our Value Added Resellers (VARs) have made a noticeable contribution to this growth as their close proximity allows for personal face-to-face service on implementation, optimisation, and support. We see our VARs as a valuable and important extension of […]

On Key extensions report interface

In Today’s business world – Real-time data velocity isn’t a nice-to-have; it’s a Can’t-do-without! The challenges facing your business today are staggering. The economy is volatile; competition is high; and your customers are demanding more for less. How do you ensure accessibility of the right information to the right people, in real-time? Pragma can help! […]

Nkomati mine ready to go live on the ACC service

Nkomati Mine, near to Barberton in Mpumalanga, is an old On Key client that decided to work closer with Pragma and implement an ACC service. The implementation is almost complete and the go-live date is 1 September 2010. Nkomati mine consists of an open pit operation, an underground operation and two separate processing plants. The […]

Netcare determined to improve the vitality of their assets

Netcare has appointed Pragma Africa to assist them in the establishment of an Asset Management System. This is the result of an optimisation initiative that kicked off towards the end of 2008 when Kemetyl approached Pragma to do a range of Asset Management Improvement projects. An Asset Management Strategy was formulated and several improvement initiatives […]

Maintenance planning and scheduling course update

Planning and Scheduling are arguably the most neglected functions of modern asset/infrastructure management. Very few organisations have a proper understanding of these critical functions and struggle to measure, control and manage their very expensive maintenance resources. Our high-impact, hands-on intervention covers all aspects of modern Maintenance, Planning, Scheduling and Execution and will equip you to effectively: […]

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