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Pragma Academy deploys new training model

Billy Wilson, manager of the Pragma Academy, has announced that a fully fledged Physical Asset Management qualification is under development. With this new direction, the gloom of an unqualified workforce due to qualified and experienced workers leaving the country will be addressed. Pragma currently teaches 17 Key Performance Areas (KPAs) of modern physical asset management […]

PAS 552008 A standard for managing assets

Why oh why do we need one? Three engineers are in a bar for their weekly get-together and they are discussing the state of the economy and how the country’s assets are failing to provide the desired levels of service. The first engineer, a civil engineer, highlights that the issue is lack of maintenance and […]

Enough No theres never enough

“OK, you can have one sweet.” “I want two sweets daddy.” “Five minutes till bedtime.” “10 minutes daddy!” If you have children you will know these conversations all too well. Children are probably the best negotiators on the planet. If it was possible most unions would probably employ children to manage negotiations with bosses! In […]

Do you get any headsup time

Just imagine for a moment that you are crazy enough to want to swim around Robben Island. I can’t for the life of me see why you would but anyway, how would you approach it? Option 1 – You look from the beach at the direction you need to head in then dive in. Stroke […]

Business case for asset register management

Over the past number of years increased focus has been placed on the accuracy of an organisation’s asset register. Traditionally the asset register and the use of it as a business tool were simply to manage the tax burden of the company through successive financial periods. However, more and more emphasis is being placed on […]

Top companies awarded for asset management maturity

City of Cape Town wins overall and gold award at Pragma Client Awards A number of top South African and international companies were presented with awards for their exceptional physical asset management practices at the annual Pragma Awards function held last night (14 August 2012) at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Gauteng. The finalists were […]

Magalies Water streaming their assets on On Key

Magalies Water is a state-owned entity providing a wide range of related water and sanitation services. It operates in Gauteng, Limpopo, North West and Mpumalanga in an area of operation of approximately 42 000km². Pragma has been appointed to perform asset condition assessment and valuation services in the Gauteng region. Magalies Water maintains government assets […]

Tiger Brands announcement

Partnership Announcement The Tiger Brands Foundation has announced its first corporate funding for its schools feeding programme. Physical asset management company, Pragma, has committed to fund the project over the next two years to provide in-school breakfasts to 323 vulnerable learners daily. Pragma has shared a long history with Tiger Brands by providing computerised asset […]

Your MRO warehouse will benefit from the warehousing BP

Pragma Products is making good inroads into formalising Pragma’s original methodology and 20 years of experience in Physical Asset Management into business processes (BPs). The sixth and latest business process is Warehousing which was released in December 2009. The purpose of this business process is to administer and control a warehouse of maintenance, repair and […]

Woestalleen Coal Mine turns to business processes to improve production throughput

The new management team at the Woestalleen Coal Mine found the production output at the mine unsatisfactory. They decided to take action and turned to Pragma Products to implement business processes in support of the On Key enterprise asset management system. In May, the implementation of the Asset Register Administration BusProc, Work Planning and Control […]

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