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Six reasons why organisations need Pragma’s Generator Asset Health Management service

Clients like Shell, PEP and Dipula Income Fund trust us to conduct online monitoring to manage the maintenance and refuelling of their generators. Here are some reasons why our generator online monitoring and management solution can better help you to ensure business continuity. 1. Equipment compatibility  Our gateway device is compatible with various generator controller brands and models, enabling […]

How to save money on generator costs with online monitoring and maintenance management

Power outages can wreak havoc on businesses, leading to financial losses, disrupted operations, and frustrated customers. Many organisations invest in generators as a backup power solution to mitigate these risks. Vodacom recently revealed that since 2020, more than R4 billion has been spent on backup power solutions such as batteries and generators, with a further […]

The Incident. The Golden Hour. The Evidence … and Getting to the Root Cause

Author | Jaco Cronje Have you ever found yourself sitting in yet another root cause analysis session, unable to even get close to a possible cause, just because of that sinking realisation that, yet again, you do not have enough information about the failure? This is the stage where the breakdown has been fixed, and […]

Maximising manufacturing efficiency: how maintenance management systems revolutionise maintenance workflows

According to industry reports, manufacturing plants can save up to 20% in costs by optimising maintenance processes and reducing downtime. By utilising a computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) and mobile work management applications, manufacturers can:  improve equipment reliability  minimise downtime  optimise maintenance processes and reduce costs associated with maintenance labour, unscheduled repairs, equipment replacement and […]

Rev up your maintenance game with digitalisation: drive efficiency, reduce downtime, and accelerate ROI!

The automotive industry is revving up for digitalisation!  In today’s highly competitive automotive industry, digitalisation is becoming increasingly popular as a means of optimising operations and reducing costs. However, the decision to embark on a digital strategy is not always straightforward as there are both benefits and risks to consider. In this article, we will […]

Lifecycle costing: one of the critical elements of a systematic approach to maximising mining equipment efficiency and productivity

In the mining industry, equipment plays a vital role in the productivity and efficiency of operations. Maintaining and planning for mining equipment to operate at peak performance throughout its lifecycle is essential. The key to achieving this goal is Lifecycle costing (LCC) and planning, a systematic approach to estimating the total cost of equipment ownership […]

Training is more than just a tick-box exercise: Why compliance and skills training are equally important

As an engineering manager, you realise the importance of keeping your maintenance team up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills. However, deciding which training programmes to invest in can take valuable time and effort. While training is essential to an organisation’s success, it is often perceived as a tick box exercise. Compliance training is more […]

Pragma solidifies commitment to black women empowerment with Moshe Capital deal

We are thrilled to announce that Moshe Capital (a 100% black woman-owned company) has acquired a 20% shareholding in Pragma. This move solidifies our commitment to broad-based black economic empowerment and supports our mission of creating sustainable solutions for our clients. This transaction makes Pragma 31.4% black woman-owned and 56.8% black-owned. “Moshe Capital prides itself […]

FNB provides R50m for Moshe Capital’s investment in Pragma

Moshe Capital’s investment in Pragma Holdings will boost the engineering services firm’s black women shareholding to 30%. FNB has provided almost R50m to advisory and investment firm Moshe Capital to enable the black-women-owned firm to take a 20% stake in engineering services company, Pragma Holdings. The transaction is being funded through FNB’s Black Business Growth […]

How we do contractor management at Pragma

Contractor management can be fraught with difficulty and often gives rise to what we call ‘pain areas’. At Pragma we have developed a contractor management process that helps to smooth over these difficulties. During a live broadcast, Vangie Mari, Business Area Manager presented an overview of the process that we follow at Pragma, both for […]

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