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SAAMA Conference places South African physical asset management in context

As one of the premier events on the South African physical asset management (PAM) calendar, the second annual SAAMA Conference, hosted by the Southern Africa Asset Management Association, saw all the big players in the industry come together to debate the current issues facing the PAM community. With the focus placed on Life Cycle Costing […]

Pragma assists AES TIETE to gain first ISO 55 001 certification in Brazil

Through dedication and team work in collaboration with Pragma, AES Tietê is the first Brazilian company to receive ISO 55001 certification. This certificate was issued under the scope of Operation and Maintenance of hydro-electric plants and small hydro-electric power stations, including reservoir management, power generation and support processes. This certification recognises AES Tietê, an independent […]

Pragma appoints Melanie Daniels as Business Area Manager in Durban

Taking our team based in Durban under her wing, Melanie Daniels has been appointed as Pragma’s Business Area Manager in the KwaZulu Natal region. Melanie brings extensive experience to the Pragma team. While she has mainly worked as Project Manager for companies such as SMEC South Africa, Brolaz Eastern Cape and South African National Parks, […]

Pragma takes lead on Shells New Global Shop Format in SA

After recognising the growing global trend of customers consuming ‘food and drink on the go’, Shell initiated the New Global Shop format project on a global scale. To make the concept a reality within the South African context, Pragma was tasked to oversee the implementation of the project. Since its launch in June 2014, the […]

Pragma mobile app set to improve maintenance productivity and data velocity

It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of our latest mobile application (app). As an extension of On Key, our Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS), the new app will play a key role in improving data velocity and the productivity of our clients’ maintenance staff. “As Pragma’s first work management application built […]

Decode Asset Life Cycle Costs at the SAAMA Conference

The second annual SAAMA Conference, hosted by the Southern Africa Asset Management Association, takes place from 12 to 14 May 2015 at the CTICC in Cape Town. This year’s conference theme is focused on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) pertaining to design, implementation, operation and maintenance, as well as the replacement phases in an asset’s life. […]

Terblanche to tackle asset management success factors in the mining industry

Stefan Terblanche, Partner Consultant at leading physical asset management company Pragma, will be one of the speakers at this year’s South African Asset Management Association (SAAMA) Conference, which takes place at the CTICC in Cape Town from 12 to 14 May. Says Terblanche: “In recent years, the asset management community has been spoiled with excellent […]

Pragma announces winners of FMC Awards

Public recognition is one of the best ways to acknowledge engaged employees and contractors for their efforts and dedication in delivering excellence in the work place. This is exactly what the Facilities Management Contract (FMC) Awards are all about. On 26 February 2015, employees and contractors involved with the Pragma managed Shell FMC received awards […]

SAAMA to host second annual asset management conference

The Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA) will host its second physical asset management conference from 12 to 14 May 2015 at the CTICC in Cape Town. The conference theme is centred on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) pertaining to design, implementation, operation and maintenance, as well as the replacement phases in an asset’s life. The […]

Pragma secures yet another Asset Management Service contract in the Eastern Cape

Global physical asset management company, Pragma, secured yet another contract in the automotive industry in the Eastern Cape. Their client, a luxury vehicle producer, awarded Pragma a project extension based on the excellent work that was done during the initial project. They were tasked to assist the client in achieving certain targets with their asset […]

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