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Video Enabling contractors through accreditation

Share this video | In this video, Lyronne Sigamoney covers the benefits of contractor accreditation and work enablement on site. Credits Interviewee | Lyronne Sigamony Producer | Johlene Lehnberg Camera work | Peter Deane  

Kolosa Madikizela Pragmas first female Managing Director

After joining Pragma in 2014 as Cape Regional Manager, Kolosa Madikizela is stepping up to take over the reins as Pragma’s new Managing Director (MD) for the African region. She is taking over from Attie Niewoudt, who will be fulfilling the role of Chief Operational Officer. “Kolosa has a gift for inclusive decision-making. It allows […]

Do you listen when your equipment speaks to you or do you risk a wait and see approach

Condition based maintenance – much more than just another technical solution Condition based maintenance (CBM) has been around for many years, however, it remains an approach that requires a different way of thinking and acting on the part of everyone concerned. Some organisations are still stuck in routine based maintenance systems and find it difficult […]

What ConditionBased Maintenance can mean to your organisation

Whilst maintenance is perhaps not considered to be the most exciting field of engineering, it is a fundamentally important one. Through the use of condition-based maintenance methodologies and applications, the risk of functional asset failure can be minimised, saving companies millions of rands. Says Simone Theron, Research and Development Engineer at Pragma: “The goal of […]

Pragma launches first office in Europe

Pragma and the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) have signed an agreement for the establishment of Pragma’s European operations. Mr Henny Jacobs, Global Director Investment Projects at the NFIA, was present in Cape Town to discuss strategies and sign the agreement with our CEO, Adriaan Scheeres. In January 2017 we will open our first European […]

Pragmas Johannes Coetzee elected as GFMAM ViceChairman

It is with great pride that we announce Johannes Coetzee’s election as the latest Vice-Chairman of the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM). “I feel honoured to be part of such a renowned organisation. I look forward to serving GFMAM in pursuing their goals to develop and promote knowledge, standards and education for […]

Pragmas student programme a huge success

We launched our internship programme for University of Technology students in 2013 and has since offered in-service training to 18 students. In 2011, we also started a formal university student training programme, specifically aimed at B. Eng. Industrial, Mechanical and Electrical students in their third or fourth year of study, for which we have won […]

Advancing from Plant Maintenance to sustainable Enterprise Asset Management

As the pressure to deliver more value to stakeholders mount and decreasing margins is a reality, ‘Do more with less” is fast becoming the business mantra of many organisations. This change in thinking is shining a new light on asset management, the pursuit to optimally and sustainably manage the performance, risk and expenditure of assets […]

What or WHO is your most valuable asset

Training forms an integral part of smart asset management, as it provides operational teams with the know how to align and action operational activities to deliver on your organisation’s boardroom goals. To realise the potential value of your assets, the people who work with your assets on a day-to-day basis has to ensure that the […]

The CEO and cofounder of Pragma Adriaan Scheeres invites SAAMA conference delegates

“We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, and there is no turning back, no slowing down, and we better embrace it in order to remain relevant,” warns Scheeres. “Industry 4.0” was the brainchild of the German government, and describes the next phase in manufacturing – the so-called fourth industrial revolution. […]

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