Interview with Melanie Daniels
Melanie Daniels
Regional Manager
My role is to navigate obstacles and to find solutions so that our operations team deliver their best performance at clients. I am assisting my manager by handling problems before they escalate. Work my network to establish new client relationships.
BTech Civil Engineering and Project Management Professional Certification
I am part of the leadership team on our church ladies committee.
I was invited as a speaker at the Women in Engineering Conference.
I was elected by my colleagues to lead the Project Management Professional chapter for KwaZulu Natal.
I chose to become an engineer because my dad’s friend said that I ask too many “whys” and should do engineering when I grow up.
Gardening although none of my dead plants would agree.
Creating weird and wonderful new food recipes that only my family is allowed to eat.
Promotion to Regional Manager; Election to the BEE Employees’ Trust and to represent the same Trust on the company board level.
Work hard and play hard! Do your best at whatever your job requires you to be. How you do anything is how you do everything. Do the right thing even when no-one is looking. Excellence is a daily practice of discipline.
In general, I love my gadgets; I also like daily life to be simple. IIoT combines the two for me. How it connects our gadgets, toys, assets and knows what is broken or how to fix it is at the flick of a button. The possibilities are both scary and exciting.