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Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality reappointed Pragma Africa to operate their ACC within electricity until June 2013

Ekurhuleni has entrusted the management of their R24 billion’s worth
maintenance significant assets to Pragma for a further three years.
Over the past 5 years, Pragma has built an excellent Asset Management
base on which Ekurhuleni Electricity has gained control of their assets.

The Assets
The Electricity Infrastructure Assets are the High Voltage (HV) and
Medium Voltage (MV) distribution assets, totaling approximately 62 000
maintenance significant items, with a total replacement value of R24
billion. Catered for as part of the service are substations,
mini-substations, kiosk inspections, intrusive maintenance, Infra-red
scanning, oil analysis, trip testing, overhead line and battery
inspections. These assets have been loaded into the On Key EAM system
along with all the scheduled maintenance tasks. Between 7000 – 8000 Work
Orders for pro-active maintenance and refurbishment are generated per

Refurbishment Program
The refurbishment program is also managed by the ACC, with the intent to
keep the infrastructure assets&systems reliable and to improve
the current condition. More than R400 million has been spent over the
last 4 ½ years on refurbishment projects in addition to the normal
annual operational expenditure. In the 2010/11 financial year the
refurbishment budget is over R220M and a mark able reduction in outages
and faults is being experienced.

Lead by example
The Asset Care Centre at Ekurhuleni regularly host visitors from
neighboring African Nations as well as Metro’s and Municipalities within
South Africa all looking at how, they too, can address the actions
required to address the global Electricity crisis.

The team
There are 14 Pragma staff members at the Metro and they perform asset
management guidance in accordance to a well developed set of business
processes. Ekurhuleni sees the Asset Care Centre as a partnership
opportunity and understand that they would ideally like to take the
function into their own organisation in the future when resourcing and
skills availability is better. Of the 14 staff members on the contract 9
are placed in the CCCs (depots) and schedule maintenance activity on a
daily basis.  

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