PRAGMA reconfirm there position as one of leading asset management service providers in the world.
Pragma now has 23 certified asset management practitioners, which represents one of the highest levels of certification for Asset Management service providers globally. This year, 11 engineers obtained the prestigious Institute for Asset Management (IAM) Certificate and 12 engineers obtained the Southern African Asset Management Association’s (SAAMA) SAAMA Certified Physical Asset Management Practitioners SCPP Certificate. Both certificates recognise very high and in-depth experience, knowledge and understanding in physical asset management.
Pragma’s CEO, Adriaan Scheeres, expressed his satisfaction with these favourable results, praising his team for their success. “Demonstrated credentials are very important, and as a service provider you need to work even harder at ensuring that your clients have access to the best possible advisors to plan and implement world class asset management solutions for them. With such a smart team, I am confident that this can be true for every Pragma client.”
According to the IAM, their certificate is directly linked to the IAM Competencies Framework and is also mapped to the specifications of PAS 55 2008 and ISO 55000, “The Asset Management – An Anatomy” and the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape. The content of the SCPP Certificate is directly linked to PAS 55 and recognises engineers who display a very high scope and depth of knowledge and understanding in the physical asset management field.
Scheeres is of the opinion that various factors contributed to this high success rate. Firstly there was Pragma’s early adoption of PAS 55 where they aligned their Asset Management Improvement Planning (AMIP) assessment toolset with PAS 55 and internal training was launched for all to understand the principles and deliver service in alignment with PAS 55. Secondly Pragma was directly involved with the development of ISO 55000, having representation on the South African technical work group. This led to various discussions and sensitisation on the requirements of ISO 55000.”
We closely followed the development of the GFMAM landscape document and the 39 Subjects and ensured that AMIP and our Certificate in Asset Management course content mapped to the 39 Subjects. In doing so we ensured that our in-house integrated asset management approach comprehensively addresses all the required elements and that we could go about business as usual. Lastly each of Pragma’s employees has a training and development plan that ensures that staff are enabled and qualified to deliver a professional service.”
Pragma is now in an even better position to assist clients to implement asset management best practices in support of ISO 55000 certification, which ultimately leads to sustainable asset performance improvements, contained risks and controlled costs.
“To continuously strengthen our competitive edge, we will keep on enabling our new engineers to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in asset management,” Scheeres concludes.