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Transforming maintenance from a grudge purchase to a strategic investment

Author | Scott Gibson, Pragma CEO

 With South Africans enjoying a break from load shedding since March, one of my colleagues recently commented: “Maintenance is the reason our lights are now working.” Properly planned maintenance schedules across power-generating units are clearly contributing to Eskom’s current success rate.

Despite the obvious link between maintenance and improved service or product delivery, I have noticed in industry that there is still a tendency to view maintenance as a ‘grudge purchase’. Many businesses only see its value when something goes wrong; unplanned costs add to the frustration. Maintenance is also perceived as maintaining the status quo rather than driving progress, and its preventative benefits often go unnoticed because issues are avoided rather than visibly fixed. This psychological barrier and the opportunity cost of funds that could be used elsewhere make maintenance feel like a necessary evil rather than a proactive measure that safeguards long-term performance and reliability.

At Pragma, we believe that a paradigm shift is necessary: maintenance should be recognised as a strategic investment rather than an annoying expense.

The current state of maintenance

Maintenance departments often operate under constraints. Budgets are stretched, and many organisations react to asset failures rather than proactively managing them. This costs more in the long run and negatively impacts service delivery and customer satisfaction.

This is particularly true in the context of local government, where we see pressure to deliver services despite tight budgets, and citizens demanding more transparency and quality. It’s no surprise then that traditional approaches to maintenance are no longer sufficient. Assets are ageing, operational complexities are escalating, and a proactive, data-driven maintenance strategy is more critical than ever.

The case for strategic maintenance

Imagine if maintenance was seen not as a hassle but as an essential part of value creation where reliable asset performance ensures uninterrupted operations. To get to this point, organisations need to understand how much value proactive maintenance can add:

  • Data-driven decision making: Technology has given us predictive maintenance through IoT and AI. Organisations can foresee potential failures and respond promptly, effectively extending assets’ lifespans and reducing downtime.
  • Improved service delivery: For municipalities, regular and proactive maintenance improves public services. Timely waste management, consistent power generation, streetlights that work, roads that are maintained, efficient public transport – these are all enhancements that lead to increased economic development and community satisfaction and trust.
  • Economic efficiency: Proactive maintenance is better for budgets. Instead of dealing with emergency repairs that disrupt operations and result in unexpected expenses, organisations can plan their maintenance schedule, ensuring that every rand spent delivers a return on investment. Capex is under much better control as the acquisition and disposal of assets can be planned in accordance with the expected life of the assets.
  • Sustainability and compliance: A maintenance strategy helps organisations meet regulatory compliance and environmental standards. Safe work environments reduce the risk of incidents and fatal accidents and increases staff morale. Sustainable practices lead to reduced energy usage, accidental waste and lower carbon emissions, helping to keep costs down while preserving the planet and improving public image.
  • Employee morale and loyalty: A well-structured maintenance plan, backed by the necessary resources, empowers teams to work efficiently and confidently. By shifting from reactive “firefighting” to proactive scheduling, artisans can focus on reliability and improvement projects, enhancing overall operational efficiency. This proactive approach not only fosters a sense of accomplishment but also reduces stress and burnout, creating a positive work environment. With reduced breakdowns, teams experience less pressure, and the positive feedback from citizens boosts their pride in their work, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover.

 The road ahead: implementing change

How can organisations transform maintenance from a grudge purchase to value-adding spend? Here are some actionable steps:

  • Leadership buy-in: Executives need to champion maintenance as a strategic priority. This will require a cultural shift in organisations, emphasising long-term thinking over short-term cost saving.
  • Invest in technology: Organisations must invest in digital tools for predictive maintenance. This may involve integrating EAM software with existing systems to gather and analyse data effectively and then act on it.
  • Education and training: Equip teams with the knowledge and skills to manage assets effectively. This is an investment in human capital, and it will result in competent staff who can use new technologies to their fullest potential.
  • Engage stakeholders: Collaborate with all stakeholders, including employees, managers and even the community. Communicate the benefits of transformative maintenance practices. The idea is that everyone develops a sense of ownership and accountability.

We are on the brink of a significant shift in how organisations view maintenance – a shift that emphasises value, proactive strategies, and integration into overall business functions. By making maintenance a strategic investment, we can ensure that companies and municipalities operate at their optimum and exceed the expectations of citizens and clients.

I encourage you to embrace a future for enterprise asset management in which proactive maintenance is seen as an essential component, a business enabler that ‘keeps the lights on’ – sustainably – and helps us to progress.

I look forward to working with you all on this transformative journey.

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